Upcoming Events

Spring is on its way!

I am redesigning my Spring Offerings. Stay up-to-date by JOINING MY NEWSLETTER!

Family Constellations on Star

Aug 4 - Aug 11, 2024

Join me and photographer Stevie Rosenfeld for an unforgettable week on Star Island!

We have been called to collaborate in an emergent process we call Photography as Ceremony. We bring together constellation work and portrait photography to help you create powerful portraits that reflect the healing movement of Family Constellations.   

JOIN US for this unique and memorable experience!

In this video I describe one of the constellation structures that we can explore during the Monthly Constellation Circle. Each circle is unique based on the specific questions participants bring to the circle. 

Monthly Family Constellation Circle with Aitabé


I am redesigning my Family Constellation Circles. There will be no Monthly Circle in March. 

Winter Dates: March 9 

If you desire to - 

This is your opportunity to experience constellation work!

Join the Monthly Constellation Circle with Aitabé.

(& drop-ins are welcome!) 

It's helpful for me to hear if you will be attending BEFORE Saturday morning. Send me an email or drop me a text:
text: 413.406.6006