Family Constellations Week on Star!

We are excited to announce the first-ever Family Constellations Week on Star Island, in partnership with Star Gathering 2.

Portraits of the Healing Movement

Star Island, New Hampshire • August 4 - August 11, 2024
With Aitabé Fornés and Stevie Rosenfeld

Family Constellations Week on Star is hosted by Family Constellations facilitator Aitabé Fornés and photographer Stevie Rosenfeld. The question that inspires our collaboration is: How can we use photography to express the healing stories that arise from constellation work?

What can I expect from this week?
The schedule for Family Constellations Week on Star is designed to balance the deep dive of constellation work with the spaciousness to enjoy Star Island, reflect and be creative, and deepen your friendships or make new ones.

Participants will engage in a variety of small and large group constellation exercises and processes to have a direct, embodied understanding of what is needed for healing at the personal, ancestral, and collective levels. The constellations will be facilitated by Aitabé, a creative, sensitive, and highly skilled facilitator with over 10 years of experience with this process.

Constellation Workshops facilitated by Aitabé. Photos by A. Fornés

Participating in Constellation Work develops and affirms your intuitive capacity, teaches how we can work as a community to be of healing service together, and provides a direct, embodied experience of the healing movement. Spending a week in the Field of Constellation Work will amplify your sense of presence and connection. You can expect to find yourself in greater contact with the forces of Love and your ancestral and spiritual resources, and to feel a deeper sense of connection with yourself, each other, and All-That-Is!

How can we use photography to express the healing stories that arise from constellation work?

During the photography workshops, Stevie will provide prompts for inspired explorations with your smartphone camera to create visual diaries of the week.  Stevie will also be offering 1:1 photography sessions with interested participants to co-create poetic portraits that reflect the spiritual and healing stories that emerge from the constellation experience.  Whether it be representational, symbolic, or metaphorical in nature, the work will portray the healing movements that unfold in this unique exploration of self-discovery, personal growth, and creative expression.  The week will end with an opportunity to share images that portray your Family Constellation experience as well as inspirational ways of using the camera as a means of self-expression. 

Portraits by Stevie Rosenfeld on Star Island in 2023. All rights reserved.

About Aitabé

Aitabé is a family and systemic constellations facilitator and educator based in Western MA. She has been deeply immersed in the field of Constellation work for over a decade and has trained with facilitators including Dan Cohen and Emily Blefeld, Ed Lynch, Andrea Bosbach Largent, and Emily Waymire. She presents, teaches, and facilitates constellation work widely. She is an innovator in the application of constellation work in education and a contributing author to the book A New Paradigm in Education Rising. You can find out more about her work at and

About Stevie

Stevie is an award-winning photographer and composite artist whose work has been in many publications and galleries.  She enjoys working in different genres including portraiture, nature, narratives, black and white, color, representational and abstract imagery.   She has studied with such notables as Joyce Tennyson, Douglas Beasley and Sean Kernan, among others.  You can find more of her work on her website:

Photo: Bob Eddy

About Family Constellations Week on Star
1. This retreat is especially for people who have previous experience with Constellation work. People without previous experience are welcome, but we require that you email Aitabé before registering. Because of the remote location of Star Island and the sensitive and sometimes emotionally activating experience of Family Constellation Work, all participants are asked to read and complete a questionnaire and waiver before registration.  

2. No previous experience in photography is required.

3. This is an adult conference. Children, as well as family members or friends who want to be on Star but do not wish to attend Constellations Week, may attend this week as conferees in Star Gathering 2. 

4. This week is designed for people on their spiritual and healing journey who want to explore the modality of Family Constellations and who would enjoy using photography as a creative medium to reflect upon and deepen their experience. All while being supported by the powerful earth and spirit connection of Star Island!

A retreat on Star Island includes meals, lodging, Star Gathering 2 conference activities, and the beautiful and nourishing embrace of this very special place. To come to Star Island is to find your Spirit's Home! 

We look forward to welcoming you to Star Island and Family Constellations Week!

Aitabé and Stevie

F.A.Q. About Family Constellations

What is a Family Constellation?
A Family Constellation is a unique healing modality in which participants learn to access their innate body-centered knowing to illuminate and heal stuck patterns in their lives. 

Why is it called a “family constellation”? 

The term refers to the insight of the originator, Bert Hellinger, that many of our stuck patterns originate from family and ancestral trauma, and that we can identify the pattern by the way the constellation - the arrangement of the parts of the system - shows up when we tell our stories. 

Do I need to bring my family? 

No, “Family Constellations” do not require that family members participate in the process. To receive a Family Constellation, an individual need only bring the issue they’d like to work on. Other participants in the group will represent their family system as needed. 

Can I bring my family?

Yes! You can bring your family to Star during Family Constellations Week. This is an adult conference, but younger members of your family are welcome and encouraged to attend the Star Gathering 2 conference. Adult family members or friends can also attend Star Gathering 2 if they do not wish to attend Family Constellations Week.

What does it mean to “represent” in a constellation?

Representation is what makes the constellation process so unique. Participants in a group constellation will be chosen to represent parts of your system. For example, you might have a constellation in which you choose three representatives: you, your intention, and your block. After a few moments of silence and tuning in, they will report to you what they notice in their bodies and awareness. Representatives report meaningful and surprisingly precise information. Experiencing the power of representative perception is often a life-changing and life-affirming process!

What is a “healing movement”? 

In Family Constellation Work we experience the system shift from the initial arrangement of the stuck pattern into a new arrangement that reflects wholeness and healing. This is called the healing movement. Fundamentally, what initiates the healing movement is when the issue-holder can see and include parts of the system that had previously been excluded or unseen. Including what belongs is a powerful healing movement that has a lasting impact on the issue-holder and the family system.