What is a Constellation?

The essence of a constellation is
to illuminate what's hidden. 

Find Out More About Family Constellations

An extensive resource page about Family Constellations by my colleague Barry Krost: https://www.healingbodytherapeutics.com/family-constellations.html

If you are a Netflix subscriber, you can watch an entire fictionalized series about Family Constellations: Another Self

See below for an explainer video about Family Constellations by Netherlands colleague, Oscar Westra Van Holthe.

Have you noticed how certain issues in your life keep coming back even when you thought you'd worked on them? 

Why? Because these issues (and many more) have deep roots in family and ancestral patterns that did not start with you. 

It can be a struggle to change them - until you release the underlying pattern that created them. 

When you release the underlying pattern, that stuck energy shifts from resistance to resource. 

A Family Constellation works by identifying and healing the hidden dynamics that hold unproductive patterns in place.

Many people experience constellation work as life-changing. The process gives you access to a deep inner knowing that allows you to engage life with presence, trust, and clarity.