Parenting the Rapids

Monday September 30

10am - 12:30pm


If you’ve been asking yourself, “wtf is wrong with my child?!” this call is for you!

This is an introduction to Family Constellation work especially for parents. You will experience the gift and power of this work to illuminate the hidden dynamics in your parenting. You will also learn about the 8-week series Joyful Visionary Parenting. 

TO REGISTER: Email Aitabé at

Schedule a Constellation with Aitabé

Email Aitabé:

About Aitabé

I'm Aitabé Fornés, MEd. My first name is pronounced "eye 👁️ + tah + BAY", or you can just call me Bé (Bay).

I support my clients with the most effective tools I know of so that they may live the lives of joy and purpose they desire. 

I'm really good at this. It is my gift and my honor. 

I am a trained Family and Systemic Constellations facilitator with over 10 years of experience. 

I am grateful to my teachers and the lineage of Family Constellation Work through Bert Hellinger. I have trained with master facilitators Dan Cohen and Emily Blefeld, Andrea Bosbach Largent, and Emily Waymire. In addition, I have learned from many other masters including Ed Lynch, Francesca Mason Boring, Bill Mannle, and Jan Jacob Stam.

I am the creator of Sensethinking, an innovation in applying constellation work in education. I am a contributing author to the book A New Paradigm in Education Rising

I have a BS in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the University of Michigan. I have a Master's in Education from the University of Massachusetts. I taught high school science at a progressive NYC public school for over a decade before changing careers to practice Family and Systemic Constellations. 


"Hi Aitabé, I just wanted to tell you how beneficial our last session was for me.  

Just in a few days I’ve been able to approach potentially difficult and challenging situations with new found strength and to find resolution, with ease.  The exercise itself was really clear and you guided me through it so well.  Thank you, tons!"

-Matt Perry

"Aitabé is a loving guide on the journey into your inner wild unknowns.

She is adept, capable, kind, and familiar with the territory of what is beyond the five sense perceptions. She has a gift for befriending all of the aspects of a system.

If you are someone who is committed to personal and collective evolution, Bé is completely dedicated to bringing forth your most radiant desire." 

-SonyaJoy Key, Wild Appetites Chef & Educator

"Her ability as a healer is profound.

Aitabé sees into you. Her ability as a healer is profound, personal, and so incredibly intimate as her entire being witnesses in empathy…she uses the field and through her embodiment, seems to transcend it.” 

-Anayza Stewart, Into SoulWisdom

"In the course of 30 minutes I was able to "see" patterns I would never have understood on my own. 

Aitabé's facilitation of systemic constellations have provided incredible insights. I had hit a wall in thinking about new strategies and approaches for a challenge I was facing. In the course of 30 minutes I was able to “see” patterns, issues and avenues that I would never have understood on my own.” 

-Madeline Typadis-Snow

"Aitabé is a creative visionary. 

She sees patterns that allow her to structure constellations that are easy to use, yet multilayered and deeply healing. She can witness what others may shy from, whether it is the shadow side in a constellation, or in our culture and community. She allows truth at a deep level which creates space for amazing healing and light." 

~Linda Vishala Baker,

"I have experienced such a depth of listening, on multiple dimensions, in sessions with Aitabé. 

Her support has deepened the connection with myself, my ancestors and guides. Most recently, she facilitated a process whereby we made contact with my core trauma, core strategy, core self and essence and through her empathic skills and capacity to uncover ancestral stories, the process brought me into connection with and remembering of my resources as well as deeper compassion for my core trauma and strategy.

If you're seeking guidance and support in connecting with your own knowing of your core self and your own essence to support further integration of your gifts, I highly recommend working with Aitabé.

~Kat Gibson, Lady Gaia

"The space Aitabé holds is invaluable. 

She weaves together Ancestral connection and personal healing within the context of social justice.  Bé has a gentle, clear, and direct communication style.  Her intuition and empathic skills contribute a nuanced listening and guidance which allows the group to safely move through deep layers.  I experience truths emerging and transformations happening in Bé's groups and I’m so grateful for all I’ve received from her and had the honor to witness. "

-Taina Lyons, Emerge Holistic Therapy

"I have felt the power of her work on a personal level and witnessed its power to strengthen community.

Aitabé is a wonderful friend and colleague of mine and has been a welcomed guest teacher at my various dance events.  I'm always excited to take Bé's classes and experience the way she integrates movement and creativity with her transformative constellation work."

- Moti Zemelman, Contact Improvisation Dance Teacher

The essence of a constellation is
to illuminate what's hidden. 

Have you noticed how certain issues in your life keep coming back even when you thought you'd worked on them? 

Why? Because these issues (and many more) have deep roots in family and ancestral patterns that did not start with you. 

It can be a struggle to change them - until you release the underlying pattern that created them. 

When you release the underlying pattern, that stuck energy shifts from resistance to resource. 

A Family Constellation works by identifying and healing the hidden dynamics that hold unproductive patterns in place.

Many people experience constellation work as life-changing. The process gives you access to a deep inner knowing that allows you to engage life with presence, trust, and clarity.

Find Out More About Family Constellations

An extensive resource page about Family Constellations by my colleague Barry Krost:

If you are a Netflix subscriber, you can watch an entire fictionalized series about Family Constellations: Another Self

See below for an explainer video about Family Constellations by Netherlands colleague, Oscar Westra Van Holthe.